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📦 Individual products - how to send
Updated over a week ago

If your shipping boxes consist of individual items with different SKUs or in different conditions, select "Individual products."

Individual products can contain varying quantities of the same SKU and may include more than 150 products.

How to Ship a Product as Individual Products

I. "Send/Replenish Inventory"

Shipping plan → Create a new shipping plan

Marketplace destination → Germany Item Pkg.

Type: Individual products

"Continue to shipping plan"

II. Set Quantity

Enter the product using "Add Products."

Enter the number of units.


III. Prepare Products

Prep guidance: No Prep Needed

Who prepares: Seller


IV. Label Products

Who labels: Seller


V. Review Shipments

"Rename" - Prefix_datum (e.g. CVT_15.09.2020)

Shipment name: Prefix_datum (e.g. CVT_15.09.2020)

"Approve shipment"

VI. View Shipments

"Work on Shipment"

VII. Prepare Shipment

2. Delivery service → Delivery method → Small parcel delivery (SPD) → Carrier → Other carriers: Other

3. Shipment packing How will this shipment be packed? → "Multiple boxes" - if the shipment is in multiple boxes with different dimensions and weights (e.g., 30 units per box and 2 boxes), ensure each box's details are recorded accurately.

Units per box configuration

Number of boxes

  • If the dimensions and weight of each box are different: "Add another box configuration." Enter the weight and dimensions.


4. Delivery labels: Print Box Labels - send customer

"Complete Shipment"

VIII. Summary

Shipment status - Mark as shipped - (mark the shipment as sent),

  1. Enter tracking number - I will get it from the client (can be added later).

  2. Sending to the client.: ID name of shipment, Amazon Reference (available within approximately 15 minutes)

  3. Adress (Ship to)

  4. "Save All"

IX. Information about customer

Sending to the customer:

ID name of shipment

Amazon Reference (je dostupné do cca 15min)

Adress (Ship to)

Box labels

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