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™️ AUTOPRICER (Amazon)
Updated over a week ago

Amazon can no longer be considered just an online store; it has become a dynamic marketplace where product offerings and prices are constantly changing in real-time.

⚠️ This feature of the EXPANDO APP applies only to Amazon Marketplace.

How do prices work on Amazon?

For unique products, you don't need to worry about the price—since you have your own product (ideally protected by Brand Registry), you sell it yourself. But what happens if you are selling a product that is also sold by other sellers on Amazon?

When multiple sellers offer the same product, an auction takes place, and the product is usually sold by the seller who wins the buy box (a combination of price and other factors).

What can AUTOPRICER do?

We have developed a unique feature that uses real-time data to adjust prices based on other sellers (competition). Specifically, it allows you to:

  • Increase your profit margin

  • Dynamically adjust prices according to the competition

  • Export prices to your ERP system

  • Functionality available for every Amazon marketplace country

a) Increase Prices

If you are the cheapest seller or already in the Buybox, our software will analyze the next cheapest competitor behind you and attempt to raise your selling price in such a way that:

  • You remain in the Buybox

  • Your price gets as close as possible to the next highest competitor's price without losing the Buybox

Even with a maximum discount setting of 10%, the average discount achieved is approximately 3% off the product price!

Why be unnecessarily the cheapest? Our software attempts to increase and evaluate the price several times an hour.

🔽 Example below 🔽

Your selling price (1) is lower than the second cheapest seller's price (2). Our APP raises your price up to 24.78 € (3)... If the product sells, you earn an extra 3 €!

Our record increase brought a seller an additional 120 € on a single product!

How is the generated profit above the selling price of the product distributed?

VAT calculated for Germany - EXPANDO retains 30% of the additional generated margin.

b) Lowering Prices

In the same way we can increase prices, we can also lower them. Our REPRICER can dynamically reduce your selling price to ensure the product starts selling (i.e., gets into the Buybox).

The process of lowering and raising prices is interconnected. The price that is reduced to get into the Buybox is again actively tied to the second cheapest offer, and the REPRICER strives to maximize profit without being unnecessarily the cheapest.

Our application specifically allows you to:

  • Mark products to be included in the repricing process

  • Set the range by which prices can be increased or decreased

  • Filter products that are in the Buybox and determine by how much to increase their prices

  • Export competitor prices in CSV format

  • Receive a weekly overview of how much additional profit was earned

  • Get detailed reporting on the results of the REPRICER

Our price reductions increase the chances of winning the Buybox for non-discounted products! Check out our case study:

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