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📒 Listing EAN products
Updated over a week ago

KAUFLAND has specific requirements for the feed, which is mapped automatically. It is uploaded to the Seller Portal here (in case of an updated feed), or here (in case of a permanent listing without updates).

Feed template here

The feed output should not contain any other parameters

Requirements and parameters

  • Must be in .csv format

  • EAN

  • Condition - must be set to the default value "100" = new

  • Price - the number must be set WITHOUT two decimal places - for example, if you send the parameter price as 5.9900 in the feed, the output must be 599. The last two digits are considered decimal!

  • Offer_Id - SKU

  • id_warehouse - must be set to the default value "Company Name s.r.o." and must exactly match what is entered in Kaufland - Händlerportal - Setting - Warehouse settings. The first line here should be filled into Warehouse in the feed.

  • Count - number of items in stock

  • Handling time - handling time

  • Minimum_price - the lowest amount you are willing to sell the product for (i.e., a percentage discount of the Price parameter - e.g., 599 x 0.95 - Kaufland will activate an internal autopricer (we don't have to use it)

  • Currency - CZK or EUR depending on the Kaufland channel

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